Ancient breakaway civilization
Ancient breakaway civilization

ancient breakaway civilization

ancient breakaway civilization

Consider this hypothetical scenario: Let us assume that there are periodic cycles of global cataclysms of a natural or artificial origin - there exists evidence to support this premise, so it is not a long stretch. According to some, the Earth was populated by many different human or human-like civilizations, which either left the planet or went underground long ago. ago Perhaps the breakaway civilization has existed for a very long time. Join internationally-known researcher Joseph P. Dona’s work raises more questions then it answers, one of which is the notion of ancient breakaway civilizations. Farben, ITT, SS Commando Otto Skorzeny, the post-war Nazi International, American Intelligence and the Mafia Drug Lords? Answer: they are all components of a breakaway civilization seeking to protect its control over advanced technologies and to project itself into outer space while waging a covert war here on earth with the same advanced technologies-and the rest of humanity be damned. What do the following things have in common: George Adamski, Fascists, Nazi scientists, American engineers, the CIA, the Wall Street Morgan interests, I.G. A breakaway ancient civilization that survived the last catastrophic event and are now responsible for the UAP/UFO phenomenon. The concept of a breakaway civilization, puppeting the play of geopolitical and socio-economic affairs from beyond the stage, has haunted the American psyche since time immemorial. RT OMApproach: Maybe its not a coincidence after all that the aliens that landed in the Holloman Air Force base looked exactly like this. Hermann Oberth Nazis in the US and their connections to UFO contactees The Memes-an idea or behavior spread from person to person within a culture-are Implants Adamski's ET Message: The Danger of Weaponized Gravity and tons more. ApThe Breakaway Civilization Some know it as the Deep State, the Shadow Government, or the New World Order.

ancient breakaway civilization

By one estimate, measuring from the time of the first pharaohs and the use of. Farrell discusses SS Commando Otto Skorzeny George Adamski the alleged Hannebu and Vril craft of the Third Reich The Strange Case of Dr. Next to China, ancient Egypt and then Mesopotamia are usually considered the longest-lasting civilizations. The term ‘Breakaway Civilization’ was an idea that is the brainchild of historian and notable scholar Richard Dolan, who coined the term a few years ago.

Ancient breakaway civilization series#

Oxford-educated historian Farrell continues his best-selling book series on suppressed technology, Nazi survival and the postwar psyops with his new book Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops.

Ancient breakaway civilization